M. capitata RNAseq QC, Alignment, Assembly Bioinformatic Pipeline

Data uploaded and analyzed on the URI HPC bluewaves server

The following document contains the bioinformatic pipeline used for cleaning, aligning and assembling our raw RNA sequences. The most recent scripts based on this pipeline are available on the project repository. Note that the scripts are numbered in order of execution.

Project overview

Bioinformatic tools used in analysis:
Quality check: FastQC, MultiQC
Quality trimming: Fastp
Alignment to reference genome: HISAT2
Preparation of alignment for assembly: SAMtools
Transcript assembly and quantification: StringTie

Prepare work space

  • Upload raw reads and reference genome to server
  • Assess that your files have all uploaded correctly
  • Prepare your working directory
  • Install all necessary programs

Upload raw reads and reference genome to server

This is done with the scp or “secure copy” linux command. SCP allows the secure transferring of files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts using ssh authorization.

++Secure Copy (scp) Options++:

  • -P - Identifies the port number
  • -r - Recursively copy entire directories
    scp -r -P xxxx <path_to_raw_reads> echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_storage>
    scp -P xxxx <path_to_reference> echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_storage>

Check to make sure you have all of your files, and that they all follow the same naming convention. There should be 96 fastq.gz files. First we will look at our list of files in our read storage directory, and then we will count the number of fastq.gz files.

ls -l | cat | wc -l

Assess that your files have all uploaded correctly

Check to make sure the files downloaded correctly using the md5sum command. First store the md5checksum in a file then verify the contents of the new md5sum file.

md5sum *.fastq.gz > raw_checksum.md5
md5sum -c raw_checksum.md5
  • ++Md5 Output++:
    All files “OK”

Check number of reads per file

zgrep -c "@GWNJ" *.fastq.gz
  • ++Raw Read Counts++:
Forward raw read Count Reverse raw read Count
119_R1_001.fastq.gz 21430810 119_R2_001.fastq.gz 21430810
120_R1_001.fastq.gz 22587714 120_R2_001.fastq.gz 22587714
121_R1_001.fastq.gz 19342285 121_R2_001.fastq.gz 19342285
127_R1_001.fastq.gz 23494302 127_R2_001.fastq.gz 23494302
128_R1_001.fastq.gz 19003021 128_R2_001.fastq.gz 19003021
129_R1_001.fastq.gz 18364685 129_R2_001.fastq.gz 18364685
130_R1_001.fastq.gz 19545789 130_R2_001.fastq.gz 19545789
131_R1_001.fastq.gz 18473442 131_R2_001.fastq.gz 18473442
132_R1_001.fastq.gz 18818657 132_R2_001.fastq.gz 18818657
133_R1_001.fastq.gz 20820329 133_R2_001.fastq.gz 20820329
134_R1_001.fastq.gz 19009948 134_R2_001.fastq.gz 19009948
153_R1_001.fastq.gz 18739012 153_R2_001.fastq.gz 18739012
154_R1_001.fastq.gz 25865443 154_R2_001.fastq.gz 25865443
155_R1_001.fastq.gz 23884925 155_R2_001.fastq.gz 23884925
156_R1_001.fastq.gz 23346656 156_R2_001.fastq.gz 23346656
157_R1_001.fastq.gz 19122552 157_R2_001.fastq.gz 19122552
158_R1_001.fastq.gz 19082407 158_R2_001.fastq.gz 19082407
159_R1_001.fastq.gz 19524641 159_R2_001.fastq.gz 19524641
160_R1_001.fastq.gz 19606641 160_R2_001.fastq.gz 19606641
162_R1_001.fastq.gz 19809873 162_R2_001.fastq.gz 19809873
163_R1_001.fastq.gz 17708842 163_R2_001.fastq.gz 17708842
164_R1_001.fastq.gz 18134442 164_R2_001.fastq.gz 18134442
165_R1_001.fastq.gz 22428255 165_R2_001.fastq.gz 22428255
166_R1_001.fastq.gz 19475406 166_R2_001.fastq.gz 19475406
167_R1_001.fastq.gz 19437286 167_R2_001.fastq.gz 19437286
168_R1_001.fastq.gz 20184280 168_R2_001.fastq.gz 20184280
169_R1_001.fastq.gz 16229966 169_R2_001.fastq.gz 16229966
179_R1_001.fastq.gz 17619983 179_R2_001.fastq.gz 17619983
180_R1_001.fastq.gz 16093732 180_R2_001.fastq.gz 16093732
181_R1_001.fastq.gz 15181783 181_R2_001.fastq.gz 15181783
182_R1_001.fastq.gz 23523998 182_R2_001.fastq.gz 23523998
183_R1_001.fastq.gz 15687664 183_R2_001.fastq.gz 15687664
184_R1_001.fastq.gz 15938817 184_R2_001.fastq.gz 15938817
185_R1_001.fastq.gz 16001863 185_R2_001.fastq.gz 16001863
186_R1_001.fastq.gz 17647767 186_R2_001.fastq.gz 17647767
212_R1_001.fastq.gz 18557355 212_R2_001.fastq.gz 18557355
215_R1_001.fastq.gz 17131176 215_R2_001.fastq.gz 17131176
218_R1_001.fastq.gz 20737823 218_R2_001.fastq.gz 20737823
221_R1_001.fastq.gz 18375097 221_R2_001.fastq.gz 18375097
359_R1_001.fastq.gz 19316079 359_R2_001.fastq.gz 19316079
361_R1_001.fastq.gz 19161682 361_R2_001.fastq.gz 19161682
363_R1_001.fastq.gz 23704031 363_R2_001.fastq.gz 23704031
365_R1_001.fastq.gz 20178446 365_R2_001.fastq.gz 20178446
367_R1_001.fastq.gz 18859459 367_R2_001.fastq.gz 18859459
371_R1_001.fastq.gz 19914348 371_R2_001.fastq.gz 19914348
373_R1_001.fastq.gz 16196572 373_R2_001.fastq.gz 16196572
375_R1_001.fastq.gz 17074897 375_R2_001.fastq.gz 17074897
379_R1_001.fastq.gz 18041698 379_R2_001.fastq.gz 18041698
1101_R1_001.fastq.gz 21636831 1101_R2_001.fastq.gz 21636831
1548_R1_001.fastq.gz 17651137 1548_R2_001.fastq.gz 17651137
1628_R1_001.fastq.gz 21647915 1628_R2_001.fastq.gz 21647915

Prepare your working directory

Create your working directory. Within your working directory make subdirectories for scripts, data, and output. Enter the data directory and make a subdirectory to place raw reads and reference files.

mkdir mcap2019
cd mcap2019

mkdir scripts
mkdir output
mkdir data

cd data
mkdir raw
mkdir ref

Create symbolic links to raw reads and reference sequence

ln -s <path_to_raw_reads>/*.fastq.gz ./raw/
ln -s <path_to_reference> ./ref/

Install all necessary programs

Install programs within your conda environment, when possible.

Create and activate a conda environment. Must have miniconda installed.

conda create -n mcap2019
conda activate mcap2019

Install all necessary programs within your conda environment

conda install fastqc
conda install multiqc
conda install fastp
conda install hisat2
conda install samtools

The version of StringTie available on Bioconda is not the most recent version (v2.1.0). The version installed in conda (v2.0) has errors when running with the ‘-e’ option that we need for this next step in StringTie. We will have to install StringTie outside of the conda environment. The following commands will install the latest version and test the binary. This only took about 3 min to run.

git clone https://github.com/gpertea/stringtie
cd stringtie
make release
make test

Quality control and read trimming

  • Initial quality check of raw reads
  • Quality-trimming of reads
  • Post-trimming quality check of reads

Initial quality check of raw reads

FastQC is a bioinformatic tool that generates sequence quality information of your reads. Multiqc summarizes FastQC analysis logs and summarizes results in an html report.

Run FastQC in the raw directory.

fastqc ./*.fastq.gz

Make a data subdirectory for your raw fastqc results and move FastQC results into there. Then compile MultiQC report.

mkdir ../fastqc_raw
cd fastqc_raw
mv ../raw/*fastqc* ./
multiqc ./

Move the MultiQC report to output directory. Then, from the local host securely copy the MultiQC report to a local directory.

mv ./multiqc_report.html ../../ouput/multiqc_report_raw.html

scp -P xxxx echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_output>/multiqc_report_raw.html /Users/user/<path_to_local_directory>
  • ++Output++:
    All raw sequences 150 bp
    raw_fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot.png raw_fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot.png

Quality-trimming of reads

To clean our reads we will be using a program called FastP, a tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files.

++Goals of quality trimming++:

  • Remove adapters
  • Remove low-quality reads
  • Remove reads with high abundance of unknown bases

Make a subdirectory for cleaned reads within the data directory.

mkdir cleaned_reads

++FastP Arguments/Options Used++:

  • –in1 - Path to forward read input
  • –in2 - Path to reverse read input
  • –out1 - Path to forward read output
  • –out2 - Path to reservse read output
  • –failed_out - Specify file to store reads that fail filters
  • –qualified_quality_phred - Phred quality >= -q is qualified (20)
  • –unqualified_percent_limit - % of bases allowed to be unqualified (10)
  • –length_required - Set required sequence length (100)
  • –detect_adapter_for_pe - Adapters can be trimmed by overlap analysis, however, –detect_adapter_for_pe will usually result in slightly cleaner output than overlap detection alone. This results in a slightly slower run time
  • –cut_right - Move a sliding window from front to tail. Use cut_right_window_size to set the window size (5), and cut_right_mean_quality (20) to set the mean quality threshold.
  • –html - The html format report file name
sh -c 'for file in "119" "120" "121" "127" "128" "129" "130" "131" "132" "133" "134" "153" "154" "155" "156" "157" "158" "159" "160" "162" "163" "164" "165" "166" "167" "168" "169" "179" "180" "181" "182" "183" "184" "185" "186" "212" "215" "218" "221" "359" "361" "363" "365" "367" "371" "373" "375" "379"
fastp --in1 ${file}_R1_001.fastq.gz --in2 ${file}_R2_001.fastq.gz --out1 ../cleaned_reads/${file}_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz --out2 ../cleaned_reads/${file}_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz --failed_out ../cleaned_reads/${file}_failed.txt --qualified_quality_phred 20 --unqualified_percent_limit 10 --length_required 100 detect_adapter_for_pe --cut_right cut_right_window_size 5 cut_right_mean_quality 20

Post-trimming quality check of reads

Now that we’ve trimmed the adapters, low-quality reads and reass with many unknown bases, we will again check our sequence quality. first, we will check the trimmed sequence lengths, and then run FastQC again to examine our GC and adapter content, and our phred quality scores.

Check the clean read count.

zgrep -c "@GWNJ" *.fastq.gz
  • ++Clean Read Counts++:
Forward clean read Count Reverse clean read Count
119_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 15735471 119_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 15735471
120_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16746988 120_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16746988
121_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14738013 121_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14738013
127_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16571299 127_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16571299
128_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13859037 128_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13859037
129_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13206196 129_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13206196
130_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14162329 130_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14162329
131_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13293825 131_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13293825
133_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14505821 133_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14505821
132_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13809914 132_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13809914
134_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13596112 134_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13596112
153_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13186807 153_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13186807
154_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 18637363 154_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 18637363
155_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16751962 155_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16751962
156_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16717897 156_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16717897
157_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13851434 157_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13851434
158_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13354481 158_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13354481
159_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14457629 159_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14457629
160_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14489484 160_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14489484
162_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14700108 162_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14700108
163_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13185051 163_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13185051
164_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 12773001 164_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 12773001
165_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16091087 165_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16091087
166_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14487569 166_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14487569
167_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14479586 167_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14479586
168_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14473684 168_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14473684
169_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11824893 169_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11824893
179_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 12913165 179_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 12913165
180_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11919642 180_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11919642
181_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11187477 181_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11187477
182_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 17048929 182_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 17048929
183_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11526429 183_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11526429
184_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 12030136 184_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 12030136
185_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11744187 185_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11744187
186_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13327721 186_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13327721
212_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13858209 212_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13858209
215_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 12766725 215_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 12766725
218_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 15156983 218_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 15156983
221_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13847948 221_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13847948
359_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14742426 359_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14742426
361_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14274364 361_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14274364
363_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 17167695 363_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 17167695
365_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 15092858 365_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 15092858
367_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13882376 367_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13882376
371_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 14862977 371_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 14862977
373_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 11650596 373_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 11650596
375_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 12509060 375_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 12509060
379_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13669693 379_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13669693
1101_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16961235 1101_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16961235
1548_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 13570117 1548_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 13570117
1628_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz 16640766 1628_R2_001.clean.fastq.gz 16640766

Run FastQC on clean reads

fastqc ./*.fastq.gz

Make a data subdirectory for your clean fastqc results and move FastQC results into there. Then compile MultiQC report.

mkdir fastqc_clean
cd fastqc_clean
mv ../cleaned_reads/*fastqc* ./
multiqc ./

Move the MultiQC report to output directory. Then, from the local host securely copy the MultiQC report to a local directory.

mv ./multiqc_report.html ../../ouput/multiqc_report_clean.html

scp -P xxxx echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_output>/multiqc_report_clean.html /Users/user/<path_to_local_directory>
  • ++Output++:
    clean_fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot.png clean_fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot.png

Alignment of clean reads to reference genome

HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing reads to a reference genome.

  • Index the reference genome
  • Alignment of clean reads to the reference genome

Create a subdirectory within data for HISAT2 and symbolically link ot your clean fastq files.

mkdir hisat2
cd hisat2
ln -s ../cleaned_reads/*fastq* ./

Index the reference genome

Index the reference genome in the reference directory.

++HISAT2-build Alignment Arguments Used++:

  • - name of reference files
  • - basename of index files to write
  • -f - reference file is a FASTA file
cd ref
hisat2-build -f ../ref/Mcap.genome_assembly.fa ./Mcap_ref

Alignment of clean reads to the reference genome

Align your reads to the index files. We will do this by writing a script we will call McapHISAT2.sh. This script will also take the output SAM files from our HISAT2 alignment and covert them into the sorted BAM files that are the necessary input for our assembly tool, StringTie. We do this by calling SAMtools in our script.

++HISAT2 Alignment Arguments Used++:

  • -x - Basename of index files to read
  • -1 - List of forward sequence files
  • -2 - List of reverse sequence files
  • -S - Name of output files
  • -q - Input files are in FASTQ format
  • -p - Number processors
  • –rf - Reads are stranded
  • –dta - Adds the XS tag to indicate the genomic strand that produced the RNA from which the read was sequenced. As noted by StringTie… “be sure to run HISAT2 with the –dta option for alignment, or your results will suffer.”

++SAMtools Options Arguments Used++:

  • -@ - Number threads
  • -o - Output file
nano McapHISAT2.sh

#Specify working directory

#Aligning paired end reads
#Has the R1 in array1 because the sed in the for loop changes it to an R2. SAM files are of both forward and reverse reads
array1=($(ls $F/*_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz))

# This then makes it into a bam file
# And then also sorts the bam file because Stringtie takes a sorted file for input
# And then removes the sam file because I don't need it anymore

for i in ${array1[@]}; do
        hisat2 -p 8 --rf --dta -q -x Mcap_ref -1 ${i} -2 $(echo ${i}|sed s/_R1/_R2/) -S ${i}.sam
        samtools sort -@ 8 -o ${i}.bam ${i}.sam
    		echo "${i}_bam"
        rm ${i}.sam
        echo "HISAT2 PE ${i}" $(date)

Now, make the file executable by the user (you) and run the script.

chmod u+x McapHISAT2.sh

Now we’ve got some sorted BAM files that can be used in our assembly!!

Assemble aligned reads and quantify transcripts

StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts.

  • Reference-guided assembly with novel transcript discovery
  • Merge output GTF files and assess the assembly performance
  • Compilation of GTF-files into gene and transcript count matrices

Reference-guided assembly with novel transcript discovery

First, create and enter into StringTie directory. Then create a symbolic link to our reference genome and copy our BAM files to a special directory inside our stringtie directory. This is where our output GTF files will live too.

mkdir ../stringtie
cd stringtie
ln -s ../ref/Mcap.GFFannotation.gff ./
mkdir BAM
cd BAM
ln -s ../../hisat2/*.bam ./
cd ../

Create the StringTie reference-guided assembly script, McapStringTie-assembly.sh inside of the StringTie program directory.

++StringTie Arguments Used++:

  • -p - Specify number of processers
  • –rf - Reads are stranded
  • -e - Limit the estimation and output of transcripts to only those that match the reference (in this case, our merged GTF)
  • -G - Specify annotation file
  • -o - Name of output file
cd stringtie
nano ./McapStringTie-assembly.sh

#Specify working directory

#StringTie reference-guided assembly
#Has the R1 in array1 because of the naming convention in the former script. However, these BAM files contain both forward and reverse reads.
array1=($(ls $F/BAM/*_R1_001.clean.fastq.gz.bam))

for i in ${array1[@]}; do
        ./stringtie -p 8 --rf -e -G Mcap.GFFannotation.gff -o ${i}.gtf ${i}
        mv /ref-guided-gtfs/${i}.gtf
        echo "StringTie-assembly-to-ref ${i}" $(date)

Now, make the file executable by the user and run the script.

chmod u+x McapStringTie-assembly.sh

Assess the performance of the assembly

Gffcompare is a tool that can compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of GFF/GTF files when compared with a reference annotation

Using the StringTie merge mode, merge the assembly-generated GTF files to assess how well the predicted transcripts track to the reference annotation file. This step requires the TXT file, mergelist.txt. This file lists all of the file names to be merged. Make sure mergelist.txt is in the StringTie program directory.

++StringTie Arguments Used++:

  • –merge - Distinct from the assembly usage mode used above, in the merge mode, StringTie takes as input a list of GTF/GFF files and merges/assembles these transcripts into a non-redundant set of transcripts.
  • -p - Specify number of processers
  • -G - Specify reference annotation file. With this option, StringTie assembles the transfrags from the input GTF files with the reference sequences
  • -o - Name of output file
  • - File listing all filenames to be merged. Include full path.
./stringtie --merge -p 8 -G ../Mcap.GFFannotation.gff -o ../stringtie_merged.gtf mergelist.txt

Now we can use the program gffcompare to compare the merged GTF to our reference genome.

++Gffcompare Arguments Used++:

  • -r - Specify reference annotation file
  • -G - Compare all the transcripts in our input file stringtie_merged.gtf
  • -o - Prefix of all output files
gffcompare -r ../Mcap.GFFannotation.gff -G -o ../merged ../stringtie_merged.gtf

Some of the output files you will see are…

  • merged.stats
  • merged.tracking
  • merged.annotated.gtf
  • merged.stringtie_merged.gtf.refmap
  • merged.loci
  • merged.stringtie_merged.gtf.tmap

Move all of the gffcompare output files to the output directory. We are most interested in the files merged.annotation.gtf and merged.stats. The file merged.annotation.gtf tells you how well the predicted transcripts track to the reference annotation file and the file merged.stats file shows the sensitivity and precision statistics and total number for different features (genes, exons, transcripts). Then, from the local host securely copy merged.stats to a local directory. Unfortunately, merged.annotation.gtf is too big to store locally, but we can view it remotely.

scp -P xxxx echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_output>/merged.stats /Users/user/<path_to_local_directory>

Compilation of GTF-files into gene and transcript count matrices

The StringTie program includes a script, prepDE.py that compiles your assembly files into gene and transcript count matrices. This script requires as input the list of sample names and their full file paths, sample_list.txt. This file will live in StringTie program directory.

Go back into your stringtie directory (the one I should have named assembly). Run prepDE.py to merge assembled files together into a DESeq2-friendly version.

++StringTie prepDE.py Arguments Used++:

  • -i - Specify that input is a TXT file
  • -g - Require output gene count file, default name is gene_count_matrix.csv
  • -t - Require output transcript count gene count file, default name is transcript_count_matrix.csv
./prepDE.py -g ../gene_count_matrix.csv -i ./sample_list.txt

Finally, move your count matrices into the output directory and securely copy them to your local directory, from your local host.

cd ../
mv ./*.csv ../../output
scp -P xxxx echille@kitt.uri.edu:<path_to_output>/*.csv /Users/user/<path_to_local_directory>
Written on August 15, 2020