Workflow to test if canditate amplicon regions can reconstitute the full phylogeny with all SNPs

The following protocol describes the process that I used to create a phylogeny of our P. acuta samples from a candidate amplicon region, using the profilin region as an example.

1. Extract region of interest from full SNP vcf and export as a fasta file

Input: As input, we require 1) the full VCF file of all SNPs called during the genotyping process (GVCFall_SNPs.vcf.gz), and 2) a BED file containing the region of interest (amplicon_regions.bed).

++BED file example:++

Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1__Scaffold_000107F__length_1282968 463903 464598 profilin

Code: All code was performed on the coral Rutgers server in the Triploid-Pacu-Gene-Dosage/primer_pcr/amplicon_phylogeny directory. I used tabix, a tool in the samtools package, to extract the region of interest and used the vcf2phylip python script to export it to fasta format.

  1. Activate the samtools/bcftool conda environment, which uses samtools v1.15.
    conda activate sam_bcf_toolpak #samtools-v1.15, #bcftools-v1.15
  2. Index the VCF file containing all SNPs with tabix.
    tabix -p vcf input_files/GVCFall_SNPs.vcf.gz #index the vcf
  3. Use tabix to extract the SNPs in the profilin protein. Takes as input the BED file described above (--regions) and the full SNP VCF file. I used the flag --print-header to keep all information in the file, most importantly, the sample names.
    tabix --print-header --regions input_files/amplicon_region_profilin.bed input_files/GVCFall_SNPs.vcf.gz > output_files/Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1___Scaffold_000107F___length_1282968.463903-464598.profilin.vcf
  4. Use the vcf2phylip script to export the profilin SNP vcf file to
    ./scripts/ --input output_files/Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1___Scaffold_000107F___length_1282968.463903-464598.profilin.vcf --output-folder output_files --phylip-disable --fasta --write-used-sites --outgroup Pacuta_ATAC_TP7_1445 #export vcf to fasta for phylogeny
  5. Deactive the conda environment.
    conda deactivate

We will use Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1__Scaffold_000107F__length_1282968.463903-464598.profilin.min4.fasta as input into raxmlGUI

2) Make phylogeny with raxmlGUI (v2.0.7) and FigTree (v1.4.4) to verify region reconstitutes our full SNP phylogeny

  1. Exit the Rutgers coral server and scp the fasta file, Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1__Scaffold_000107F__length_1282968.463903-464598.profilin.min4.fasta, to your local computer.

  2. Open raxmlGUI

  3. Load alignment file (Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1__Scaffold_000107F__length_1282968.463903-464598.profilin.min4.fasta)

  4. Ensure that the GTR model (for nucleotides) is selected

  5. Run ML Tree Inference with 500 Runs

  6. Select an outgroup. I selected Pacuta_ATAC_TP7_1445 because it was the weird triploid that reverted back to the diploid state.

  7. Click “Run Model Test”

  8. Exit RAxML and open FigTree

  9. Reroot the tree by preference

  10. Import clade and ploidy .txt annotation file

  11. Color tree labels by clade/ploidy and export results as a pdf

Resulting Tree:


Written on February 27, 2022